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Helpful tips for Job Seekers



Personal Money Management and Vehicle ownership.

Owning a personal vehicle automatically opens up better employment opportunities

For the most part, employers can not legally tell you how to spend or manage your money, but if they could, their frustrated attempts to improve the financial situations, reliability, and health & happiness of their employees would probably read like this:

Instead of using the good money I pay you; to buy several thousand dollars worth of tattoos (that only serve to make you look more like trailer trash). Why don't you buy a car that you can afford to maintain, so that you can get to work on time, make enough money to save up a deposit on a house, and move out of that dump you constantly complain about?

Instead of paying nearly a thousand dollars on your kid's 2nd birthday (that they won't remember anyway), why don't you pay your auto insurance so you don't get arrested the next time you get pulled over by police while on the way to work, and spare us the drama of a tearful collect phone call from the county jail to come and bail you out?

Around here, everybody thinks that a degree from some “cheesy” community college is going to help land them a “dream job” with a 6 figure salary for just shuffling papers behind a desk. Well we don't want to burst your bubble, but those “dream jobs” jobs already went to kids who behaved well, actually learned something in high school, and got grades that were good enough to get them into RESPECTABLE colleges where they actually furthered their education; not just supplemented the crap they were too lazy or too distracted to learn in high school. In your case, you should have saved the money your parents spent (or borrowed) to go to community college to get that worthless degree, and instead used that money to buy and maintain a reliable VEHICLE, which would have gone a lot further in getting, and more importantly; KEEPING a well paying job and improving your financial situation.

Instead of watching any number of “reality shows” on cable television, (which you really can't afford anyway) getting depressed about your “shitty life” and having a perpetually bad attitude because your life isn't nearly as “exciting or colorful” as the made up “Hollywood BS” you see on TV every night. Why don't you save your money, by getting rid of cable television, and getting rid your iphone (which allows you to access Facebook 24/7 and rack up even more data charges you can't afford), and not buying all the other crap which does not improve your life, and use the money you would save: to buy and cook healthy food that will not make you fat and unhealthy, and also to go on a tropical vacation once a year, and actually start living the life that you currently use cable TV to fantasize about?


yl is a division of:

American Home & Habitat Inc.
14396 Highway 1458
(Austin Parkway)

Sealy, TX 77474

979-885-0600                                            Contact Us
Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM (Eastern)
Monday - Friday


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